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General disclaimer

The information regarding misoprostol, mifepristone and combipacks of mifepristone and misoprostol on this site has been gathered from a number of different sources. It is intended for use by procurement managers, medical practitioners and other individuals and organizations seeking information on availability of commodities to inform policy and programmes and is provided for general reference purposes only. It is not, and should not be treated as medical advice, which can only be given in response to specific facts in specific situations. Nor is this information intended to promote the performance of medical abortions or the use or prescription of the commodities included.

The availability, legal status and conditions of medicines in countries around the world is ever-changing. While care is taken to ensure that the information shown on the site is up-to-date and accurate, IPPF cannot warrant, nor does it accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content or (subject to the applicable law) for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, which may arise from reliance on information contained in this site.

The basis on which medicines or other products are included on this website is set out in the About section of this website. Accordingly, inclusion should not be treated as endorsement by IPPF. Similarly, non-inclusion should not be treated as non-endorsement.

Visitors to this site should make their own checks to ensure that any information on which they intend to rely is accurate and up to date.

Combipack quality

The combipack/s presented in this database contain both mifepristone and misoprostol; however, the quality status of the product/s only relates to the misoprostol component of the combipack.

Falsified products

Falsely labelled or counterfeit products often look similar to the original brands and can be hard to distinguish. Falsified products may contain the wrong active ingredient, no active ingredient, or the wrong amount of the correct active ingredient. While we have identified when we are aware of documented evidence or suspicions of false products being discovered, we cannot guarantee that this information is accurate or up to date. This database cannot and does not provide any specific information or guidance on differentiating between original and falsified products. IPPF does not accept any responsibility or liability for the purchase, or use, of falsified products included on this website (subject to the applicable law) or for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death.

It is the responsibility of visitors to this site to confirm the legitimacy of products prescribed and/or procured.


Like many drugs, misoprostol is used for a range of clinical indications ranging from prevention of gastric ulcers, obstetric indications including ripening of the cervix, induction of labor, prevention and treatment of post-partum hemorrhage and treatment of incomplete abortion. The registered indication/s for misoprostol varies from country to country. Visitors to this site should check the list of registered indications for use of misoprostol in their country and ensure an appropriately packaged product is identified. Misoprostol use should be supported with medical advice from qualified personnel.

Intended users

The primary audience for the database includes organizations and procurement managers seeking information on the quality and availability of different medical abortion commodities to inform policy and use in programmes. These include public health and service delivery managers, staff involved in safe abortion programmes, donors funding projects on safe abortion and maternal health, policy analysts, clinical service providers and supply chain logisticians. The database does not provide counselling, clinical assessments, dosing regimens or other information that is essential for a quality medical abortion service as defined and implemented by IPPF.

Misoprostol quality

There are a number of factors that can affect the quality and stability of misoprostol along the supply chain (post-manufacturing) and at the point of use. Both the manufacturing process and handling of the finished pharmaceutical product can affect the overall quality of misoprostol. In addition to the quality of active pharmaceutical ingredient used, the manufacturing process and packaging used, there are a number of factors along the supply chain and at the point of use that can affect the clinical efficacy of misoprostol; in particular, its quality is susceptible to degradation if exposed to moisture or humidity.


The listing of products in this database does not address how such products can be lawfully obtained. The lawful purchase of mifepristone, misoprostol and combipacks may require a prescription, or may be subject to other conditions, depending on the laws and policies within each country. It is the responsibility of visitors to this site to check local laws and policies for guidance on prescribing and/or procuring these products.